
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let the Season Begin!

Hello my dear friends! The preparations for the Christmas season have begun! The BEST part of Christmas at this prison is all of the cool new places to nap! This cloud-like stuff is popping up everywhere. I don't know why they don't use this year round. It rocks!  Soon, the captors will be bringing a LIVE tree right inside.
Trees are great places to hang out.  Ignore the Gnomes (we all do).  And the GIFTS! So many gifts...

It wears me out just thinking about it! I have to enjoy my cloud-like bed while I can because soon (too soon) it will be home to the UGLIEST tree ever!  Seriously.  The captors call it "tacky chic". As a matter of fact, that's pretty much how they describe the entire prison but I digress. This tree is, be the judge!
Yup! As I was saying...

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