
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Drop that Banana Missy!

Hello my dear friends. Have you heard the one about the Gubmint Food Police shaking down the 4-year old? I swear, you humans never cease to amaze me! Talk about the inmates running the asylum. In case you haven't heard, a 4-year old North Carolina preschooler was told by a state employee (food officer) that the lunch her mother packed for her was not nutritious. She was instead given a prepared school lunch and told to bring her brown bag food back home.  The problem here is that the lunch Mom packed consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, a bag of chips and apple juice. The prepared school lunch featured CHICKEN NUGGETS! How dare that careless, borderline abusive mother sends her 4-year old to school with a turkey sandwich! What was she thinking! Thank goodness that North Carolina has the foresight to send inspectors into preschools to make sure these uncaring parents aren't stuffing their impressionable children full of low fat protein! Where would you humans be if it weren't for the watchful eye of your Gubmint! To make matters worse, this ridiculous mother claims she gave her daughter a turkey sandwich and a banana because she was a picky eater (right!) and she wanted to make sure she would actually eat her lunch. Who ever heard of young children being picky eaters! Everyone knows (especially the Gubmint) that kids will eat anything you put in front of them! Especially vegetables! What a bunch of Goobers! So, for the edification of that North Carolina mom and anyone else who thinks they know better what to feed their children that the Gubmint does, read and learn!
Turkey sandwich on white bread - 90 calories; 7 grams of fat; 19 grams of protein
Chicken Nuggets - 80 calories, 16 grams of fat; 11 grams of protein.
Do the math people! Obviously the....wait a minute here.  Never mind!
Here's a link to the article
Food Police

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