
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Red Lobster or Jail: You Choose

hello my dear friends. Sometimes I read a news story that just makes me roll! A 47-year old man in Plantation, Florida was arrested for domestic abuse. After reviewing the case, the judge deemed the "abuse" wasn't all that bad and decided on a rather odd punishment. A little background. According to the wife's complaint, she and her husband were fighting after he forgot to wish her a happy birthday. During the dispute he shoved her and she fell on to the couch. She was not injured. He had no criminal record and no history of abuse. The judge didn't feel the incident warranted jail time so the judge ordered him to stop somewhere and buy flowers, get dressed up, pick up his wife and take her to Red Lobster for dinner, followed by an evening of bowling. If he didn't follow the sentence on every detail he would be sent to jail! Two things come to mind. First, what are the chances their house doesn't have wheels on it? Second, am I the only one who would rather go to jail than to Red Lobster and Bowling? You make the call.

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