
Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hello my dear friends. Well, another celebrity lost too soon. Whitney Houston dies at 48 after and long, and unsuccessful battle with drug addiction. Whitney Houston had a gift. Her voice set the bar for a generation. She was the talent all other aspired to be. Now she's gone. Her music and legacy will live on but with a footnote. Drugs took her career and then they took her life. It's so sad. It isn't easy being famous. Everything you do, everything you say is exaggerated, is bigger than you. I make no excuses for celebrities behaving badly. All jobs come with stress and there are certainly jobs far more stressful than pop sensation. Police office comes to mind. In the end you are responsible for your own actions. The greatest fear or pressure for celebrities is losing that fame and Whitney is, unfortunately, a prime example of that. Her voice was damaged by the drugs. Her star was fading. Her struggle to regain the magic that once set her so high above the rest ultimately led to her destruction. She leaves behind an 18 year old daughter who has already faced her own battle with her demons. Now, she'll deal with the loss of her mother. A tragedy indeed. So, Rest In Peace Whitney Houston. I hope you now find the peace you couldn't find here.

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