
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Boy, do we watch TV!

Hello my dear friends. I was just perusing a Neilsen report on trends in TV viewing in 2011 and, you know what, you humans watch WAY to much TV! No wonder you're all getting dumber! According to Neilsen, the average American watched 34 hours 39 minutes of television A MONTH last year! (link to full trend list below) Yikes! What were you thinking? And don't say "oh, that's not me". Because you know it is! And, it's not just that you were watching TV, it's WHAT you were watching! Entertainment Weekly says 8.6 Million people watched Jersey Shore each and every week. Good Grief. This means there are at least 8.6 Million people you need to keep away from your children. Good luck with that! In comparison, 7.9 Million people watch the evening news. That explains sooooo much to me! Last year there were 36 different shows dedicated solely to the baking of cakes. Yet, with all of that available, my captor still managed to produce this masterpiece!
I know, right? Unbelievable. People ate that, by the way. I'm just saying. Anyway, I digress. My point is, we need to turn off the tube (unless Giada de laurentiis is on, that's just food porn at it's best!). If you must have the TV on people, could we please go a little lighter on the "reality" programs? Americans have made Snooki, Kim Kardashian, Dr. Drew and various raucous "little people"  multi-millionaires just for being their drunken, classless, egomaniacal selves. This needs to stop. Toddlers in Tiaras. Seriously? Any Sport's Wives. Really? Celebrity Wife Swap. Come on! Any program that attempts to make Gary Busey relevant again should be banned in your home! So people, let's spare some brain cells in 2012 and Just Say No to Dancing with the (people who wish they were) Stars; America's Got to be on TV and Celebrity Anything! This should cut the average viewing time in half!

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