
Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm a Somebody Now!

Hello my dear friends. As you may know, I am an insulin diabetic. I know, right? I need two injections of insulin each day. I must also have my sugar level checked daily (they prick my ear!). I visit my personal physician quarterly. Why am I tell you this? Because corporate America is finally realizing that Kitties are people too! I'm not one to promote companies or products (without proper compensation of course) but this is pretty cool so, I'm making an exception. Being a diabetic is not cheap. Insulin, needles, testing strips, these things add up. So, the fine folks at Walgreen's have allowed me to join their prescription club! Seriously! Check it out.
How cool is that! Now the captors, who are constantly complaining about the cost of my health care (and theirs too) get a little break on each prescription. The let dogs join too! Way to go Walgreen's!

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