
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Skunkerdoodle-Day 2

Hello my dear friends! Well, it's day 2 of the captors verses the skunk and, although the captors are making headway, I believe the skunk is winning. The biggest obstacle for the captors is the inability to leave the windows open for any length of time. It's just too cold. Without fresh air, the stench rises and recontaminates everything that has been cleaned. It's an uphill battle to say the least! It's my understanding that Aunt Sally is scheduled to visit the prison this evening to administer an independent "sniff test". I fear we may fail. I'm not sure what Plan B is but we all keeping our paws crossed! On the bright side, this prison is cleaner than I've ever seen it! I'll keep you posted. By the way, note to self: Don't mess with Skunk!

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