
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Skunkerdoodle Returns!

Hello my dear friends. Well, the score in this prison stands at Skunk 2 Big Dumb Dog 0. That's right! Our lovable Hundred Pounds of Stupid, apparently not learning from her first encounter, has had another run in with a skunk. Boy, did she STINK! The captors have been cleaning like crazy but I, for one, can still smell it. I climb up here every time the Stink Bomb is in the room. Skunk is something that's hard to shake. It really makes you wonder what God was thinking with this whole skunk idea. Anyway, because of Skunkerdoodle, we've had to endure bitter cold (the captors had to open windows); the nauseating stench and a day without any pillows, blankets or throw rugs (all being cleaned). Thanks Skunkerdoodle! Your brilliance is becoming legendary!
In my defense, I thought it was a Kitty. I love Kitties. It wasn't. It was a mean old skunk! My bad. I would just like to remind everyone that I am the Victim here. I had to endure two baths, countless sprayings and endless brushing! I'm the VICTIM! A little sympathy would be nice. Thank You.

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